Unveiling the “New” Kairos: Mindfulness to Meet the Moment
A message from Kairos’ Chief Mindfulness Officer Ariadne Ducas.
As I share the updated brand of Kairos, I am reminded that while our work itself isn’t new (we’ve been around since 2016), it has taken on a new urgency as we dive into 2021. There has perhaps never been a more pressing need for the helpful and hopeful outcomes that are unique to mindfulness.
At Kairos we are focused on designing and delivering mindfulness programs that deliver on 3 core promises:
Ignite awareness and action
Mindfulness helps us recognize and experience not only who we want to be, but how we want to be. It cultivates a certain kind of wisdom that reconnects us to our sense of humanity. Our approach offers a thoughtful progression of 6 core competencies of mindfulness: observation, focus, acceptance, curiosity, agility and compassion. At Kairos, we believe these mental qualities are the essential attributes for greater awareness and wise action.Increase creative capacity
Mindfulness offers us freedom from the reactivity that derails creativity. By expanding awareness throughout the creative process, we help people harness inspired moments and diminish creative tension. We know that creative problem solving is an internal journey as much as an external action. And helping individuals develop a mindset ripe for imagination, insight and ideas is our secret sauce.Improve well-being
While mindfulness is definitely not a panacea for all that ails us, its link to greater well-being is real. We focus on helping people find greater calm, think clearly through challenge, and develop deeper optimism. Well-being is a skill, honed with deliberate practice. As minds change and take shape around each new experience, we empower people with the insight and tools to truly be well.
As you contemplate the year ahead, with all the healing to be had and the problems to be solved, we invite you to approach it mindfully.
Let us know if we can help you in your journey to enhance calm, increase clarity and unlock creativity.
— Ariadne